Thought I'd show you guys some behind the scenes action! This is the process I've been going with for the last couple of watercolor paintings. I wish I could be a bit looser, but I'm very much a planner!
I start with a rough sketch on sketch paper that I then clean up into a full-fledged line drawing. Then I trace over it using a lightbox or a window onto watercolor paper.
"Practice" Painting
I typically don't PLAN to do two paintings, but a lot of the time I'm unhappy with how the first round goes, so I trace over my original drawing onto another piece of watercolor paper and start again. It IS a bit frustrating but I do like that I now have an extra painting to practice some moves on.
Finished! I do regret adding the outline to the giraffe, I much rather prefer the version I posted to Instagram without it. Still learning! :)
Supplies used:
- Sakura Koi Pocket Field Sketch watercolors
- Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes
- Prismacolor Col-Erase colored pencil in Terra Cotta
- Arches 140lb Aquarelle watercolor paper